{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}

open import Polynomial.Parameters

module Polynomial.NormalForm.Construction
  (coeffs : RawCoeff a)

open import Relation.Nullary         using (Dec; yes; no)
open import Level                    using (lift; lower; _⊔_)
open import Data.Unit                using (tt)
open import Data.List                using (_∷_; []; List; foldr)
open import Data.Nat            as  using (; suc; zero)
open import Data.Nat.Properties      using (z≤′n)
open import Data.Product             using (_×_; _,_; map₁; curry; uncurry)
open import Data.Maybe               using (just; nothing)
open import Data.Bool                using (if_then_else_; true; false)

open import Function

open import Polynomial.NormalForm.InjectionIndex
open import Polynomial.NormalForm.Definition coeffs

open RawCoeff coeffs

-- Construction
-- Because the polynomial is stored in a canonical form, we use a
-- normalising cons operator to construct the coefficient lists.

-- Decision procedure for Zero
zero? :  {n}  (p : Poly n)  Dec (Zero p)
zero? (Σ _ Π _) = no  z  z)
zero? (Κ x Π _) with Zero-C x
... | true = yes tt
... | false = no  z  z)
{-# INLINE zero? #-}

-- Exponentiate the first variable of a polynomial
infixr 8 _⍓*_ _⍓+_
_⍓*_ :  {n}  Coeff n *    Coeff n *
_⍓+_ :  {n}  Coeff n +    Coeff n +

[] ⍓* _ = []
( xs) ⍓* i =  xs ⍓+ i

coeff (head (xs ⍓+ i)) = coeff (head xs)
pow (head (xs ⍓+ i)) = pow (head xs) ℕ.+ i
tail (xs ⍓+ i) = tail xs

infixr 5 _∷↓_
_∷↓_ :  {n}  PowInd (Poly n)  Coeff n *  Coeff n *
x Δ i ∷↓ xs = case zero? x of
  λ { (yes p)  xs ⍓* suc i
    ; (no ¬p)   _≠0 x {¬p} Δ i & xs
{-# INLINE _∷↓_ #-}

-- Inject a polynomial into a larger polynomoial with more variables
_Π↑_ :  {n m}  Poly n  (suc n ≤′ m)  Poly m
(xs Π i≤n) Π↑ n≤m = xs Π (≤′-step i≤n  ≤′-trans  n≤m)
{-# INLINE _Π↑_ #-}

infixr 4 _Π↓_
_Π↓_ :  {i n}  Coeff i *  suc i ≤′ n  Poly n
[]                        Π↓ i≤n = Κ 0# Π z≤′n
( x ≠0 Δ zero  & []  ) Π↓ i≤n = x Π↑ i≤n
( x    Δ zero  &  xs) Π↓ i≤n = Σ (x Δ zero  &  xs) Π i≤n
( x    Δ suc j & xs  ) Π↓ i≤n = Σ (x Δ suc j & xs) Π i≤n
{-# INLINE _Π↓_ #-}

-- These folds allow us to abstract over the proofs later: we try to avoid
-- using ∷↓ and Π↓ directly anywhere except here, so if we prove that this fold
-- acts the same on a normalised or non-normalised polynomial, we can prove th
-- same about any operation which uses it.
PolyF :   Set a
PolyF i = Poly i × Coeff i *

Fold :   Set a
Fold i = PolyF i  PolyF i

para :  {i}  Fold i  Coeff i +  Coeff i *
para f (x ≠0 Δ i & []) = case f (x , []) of λ { (y , ys)  y Δ i ∷↓ ys }
para f (x ≠0 Δ i &  xs) = case f (x , para f xs) of λ { (y , ys)  y Δ i ∷↓ ys }

poly-map :  {i}  (Poly i  Poly i)  Coeff i +  Coeff i *
poly-map f = para  { (x , y)  (f x , y)})
{-# INLINE poly-map #-}