{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}

-- Equational reasoning combinators
-- These are different from the equational reasoning combinators in the order of
-- their arguments. This helps (and speeds up) type checking, and lets us use
-- the combinators with the automated solver.
-- It's worth noting that all of this is just an implementation detail: the
-- combinators can be used in the same way that the old ones are.
-- https://lists.chalmers.se/pipermail/agda/2016/009090.html

{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}

open import Relation.Binary

module Relation.Binary.Reasoning.Inference
  {a }
  (setoid : Setoid a )

open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as  using (_≡_)

open Setoid setoid

infix  4 _IsRelatedTo_
infix  3 _∎
infixr 2 step-≈ step-≈˘ step-≡ step-≡˘
infixr 2 _≡⟨⟩_
infix  1 begin_

data _IsRelatedTo_ (x y : Carrier) : Set  where
  relTo : (x≈y : x  y)  x IsRelatedTo y

begin_ :  {x y}  x IsRelatedTo y  x  y
begin relTo x≈y = x≈y

step-≈ :  x {y z}  y IsRelatedTo z  x  y  x IsRelatedTo z
step-≈ _ (relTo y≈z) x≈y = relTo (trans x≈y y≈z)

syntax step-≈ x y≈z x≈y = x ≈⟨ x≈y  y≈z

step-≈˘ :  x {y z}  y IsRelatedTo z  y  x  x IsRelatedTo z
step-≈˘ _ (relTo y≈z) y≈x = relTo (trans (sym y≈x) y≈z)

syntax step-≈˘ x y≈z y≈x = x ≈˘⟨ y≈x  y≈z

step-≡ :  x {y z}  y IsRelatedTo z  x  y  x IsRelatedTo z
step-≡ _ x≈z ≡.refl = x≈z

syntax step-≡ x y≡z x≡y = x ≡⟨ x≡y  y≡z

step-≡˘ :  x {y z}  y IsRelatedTo z  y  x  x IsRelatedTo z
step-≡˘ _ x≈z ≡.refl = x≈z

syntax step-≡˘ x y≡z y≡x = x ≡˘⟨ y≡x  y≡z

_≡⟨⟩_ :  x {y}  x IsRelatedTo y  x IsRelatedTo y
_ ≡⟨⟩ x≈y = _ ≡⟨ ≡.refl  x≈y

_∎ :  x  x IsRelatedTo x
_∎ _ = relTo refl