{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}

open import Polynomial.Simple.AlmostCommutativeRing
open import Relation.Binary
open import Data.Bool using (Bool; false; true ; _∧_; _∨_; not; if_then_else_)
open import Data.String using (String)
open import EqBool

module Relation.Traced
  {c }
  (base : AlmostCommutativeRing c )
   eqBase : HasEqBool (AlmostCommutativeRing.Carrier base) 
  (showBase : AlmostCommutativeRing.Carrier base  String)

open import Data.Sum
open import Relation.Binary.Construct.Closure.Equivalence
open import Relation.Binary.Construct.Closure.Symmetric
open import Relation.Binary.Construct.Closure.ReflexiveTransitive
open import Data.String
open import Relation.Nullary
open import Function
open import Level using (_⊔_)
open import Algebra.FunctionProperties
open import Data.String renaming (_==_ to eqBoolString)
open import Data.Maybe
open import Data.Nat using ()

open AlmostCommutativeRing base
open import Polynomial.Expr.Normalising rawRing showBase

open import Agda.Builtin.FromNat using (Number; fromNat) public

  numberVar : {{nc : Number Carrier}}  Number Expr
  numberVar {{nc}} = record
    { Constraint = Number.Constraint nc
    ; fromNat = λ n  C ( (Number.fromNat nc n)) }

data BinOp : Set where
  [+] : BinOp
  [*] : BinOp

  eqBinOp : HasEqBool BinOp
  EqBool._==_  eqBinOp  [+] [+] = true
  EqBool._==_  eqBinOp  [+] [*] = false
  EqBool._==_  eqBinOp  [*] [+] = false
  EqBool._==_  eqBinOp  [*] [*] = true

liftBinOp : BinOp  Expr  Expr  Expr
liftBinOp [+] (C x) (C y) = normalise (C (x + y))
liftBinOp [+] (C x) (O y) = normalise (O (K x  y))
liftBinOp [+] (O x) (C y) = normalise (O (x  K y))
liftBinOp [+] (O x) (O y) = normalise (O (x  y))
liftBinOp [*] (C x) (C y) = normalise (C (x * y))
liftBinOp [*] (C x) (O y) = normalise (O (K x  y))
liftBinOp [*] (O x) (C y) = normalise (O (x  K y))
liftBinOp [*] (O x) (O y) = normalise (O (x  y))

⊟_ : Expr  Expr
 C x = C (- x)
 O x = normalise (O ( x))

data Step : Set c where
  [sym]      : Step  Step
  [cong]     : Step  BinOp  Step  Step
  [-cong]    : Step  Step
  [refl]     : Expr   Step
  [assoc]    : BinOp  Expr  Expr  Expr  Step
  [ident]    : BinOp  Expr  Step
  [comm]     : BinOp  Expr  Expr  Step
  [zero]     : Expr  Step
  [distrib]  : Expr  Expr  Expr  Step
  [-distrib] : Expr  Expr  Step
  [-+comm]   : Expr  Expr  Step

_==S_ : Step  Step  Bool
_==S_ ([sym] x) ([sym] y) = x ==S y
_==S_ ([cong] x x₁ x₂) ([cong] y y₁ y₂) = x ==S y  x₁ EqBool.== y₁  x₂ ==S y₂
_==S_ ([-cong] x) ([-cong] y) = x ==S y
_==S_ ([assoc] x x₁ x₂ x₃) ([assoc] y y₁ y₂ y₃) = x EqBool.== y  x₁ EqBool.== y₁  x₂ EqBool.== y₂  x₃ EqBool.== y₃
_==S_ ([ident] x x₁) ([ident] y y₁) = x EqBool.== y  x₁ EqBool.== y₁
_==S_ ([comm] x x₁ x₂) ([comm] y y₁ y₂) = x EqBool.== y  x₁ EqBool.== y₁  x₂ EqBool.== y₂
_==S_ ([zero] x) ([zero] y) = x EqBool.== y
_==S_ ([distrib] x x₁ x₂) ([distrib] y y₁ y₂) = x EqBool.== y  x₁ EqBool.== y₁  x₂ EqBool.== y₂
_==S_ ([-distrib] x x₁) ([-distrib] y y₁) = x EqBool.== y  x₁ EqBool.== y₁
_==S_ ([-+comm] x x₁) ([-+comm] y y₁) = x EqBool.== y  x₁ EqBool.== y₁
_==S_ ([refl] x) ([refl] y) = x EqBool.== y
_==S_ _ _ = false

  eqStep : HasEqBool Step
  EqBool._==_ {{eqStep}} = _==S_

record _≈ⁱ_ (x y : Expr) : Set c where
   constructor ~?_
     why : Step
open _≈ⁱ_

interesting : Step  Maybe Step
interesting ([sym] x) = interesting x
interesting ([-cong] x) = interesting x
interesting ([refl] x) = nothing
interesting ([assoc] x x₁ x₂ x₃) = nothing
interesting ([ident] x x₁) = nothing
interesting ([zero] x) = nothing
interesting ([cong] x x₁ x₂) with interesting x | interesting x₂
interesting ([cong] x x₁ x₂) | just res₁ | just res₂ = just ([cong] res₁ x₁ res₂)
interesting ([cong] x x₁ x₂) | just res₁ | nothing  = just res₁
interesting ([cong] x x₁ x₂) | nothing | just res₂ = just res₂
interesting ([cong] x x₁ x₂) | nothing | nothing  = nothing
interesting s@([comm] _ x y) with x EqBool.== y
interesting s@([comm] _ x y) | true = nothing
interesting s@([comm] o (C x) (C y))    | false = nothing
interesting s@([comm] [+] (C x) x₂)     | false = if x EqBool.== 0# then nothing else just s
interesting s@([comm] [+] (O x) (C x₁)) | false = if x₁ EqBool.== 0# then nothing else just s
interesting s@([comm] [+] (O x) (O x₁)) | false = just s
interesting s@([comm] [*] (C x) x₂)     | false = if (x EqBool.== 0#  x EqBool.== 1#) then nothing else just s
interesting s@([comm] [*] (O x) (C x₁)) | false = if (x₁ EqBool.== 0#  x₁ EqBool.== 1#) then nothing else just s
interesting s@([comm] [*] (O x) (O x₁)) | false = just s
interesting s@([distrib] (C _) (C _) (C _)) = nothing
interesting s@([distrib] (C x) x₁ x₂) = if (x EqBool.== 0#  x EqBool.== 1#) then nothing else just s
interesting s@([distrib] x x₁ x₂) = just s
interesting s@([-distrib] x x₁) = nothing
interesting s@([-+comm] x x₁) = nothing

neg-cong :  {x y}  x ≈ⁱ y  ⊟_  x ≈ⁱ ⊟_  y
neg-cong (~? reason) = ~? ( [-cong] reason)

zip-cong : BinOp
          (f : Expr  Expr  Expr)
          Congruent₂ (EqClosure _≈ⁱ_) f
zip-cong op f {x₁} {x₂} {y₁} {y₂} ε ε = ε
zip-cong op f {x₁} {x₂} {y₁} {y₂} ε (inj₁ (~? yr)  ys) = inj₁ (~? ([cong] ([refl] x₁) op yr))  zip-cong op f ε ys
zip-cong op f {x₁} {x₂} {y₁} {y₂} ε (inj₂ (~? yr)  ys) = inj₂ (~? ([cong] ([refl] x₁) op yr))  zip-cong op f ε ys
zip-cong op f {x₁} {x₂} {y₁} {y₂} (inj₁ (~? xr)  xs) ε = inj₁ (~? ([cong] xr op ([refl] y₁)))  zip-cong op f xs ε
zip-cong op f {x₁} {x₂} {y₁} {y₂} (inj₂ (~? xr)  xs) ε = inj₂ (~? ([cong] xr op ([refl] y₁)))  zip-cong op f xs ε
zip-cong op f {x₁} {x₂} {y₁} {y₂} (inj₁ (~? xr)  xs) (inj₁ (~? yr)  ys) = inj₁ (~? ([cong] xr op yr))  zip-cong op f xs ys
zip-cong op f {x₁} {x₂} {y₁} {y₂} (inj₁ (~? xr)  xs) (inj₂ (~? yr)  ys) = inj₁ (~? ([cong] xr op ([sym] yr)))  zip-cong op f xs ys
zip-cong op f {x₁} {x₂} {y₁} {y₂} (inj₂ (~? xr)  xs) (inj₁ (~? yr)  ys) = inj₂ (~? ([cong] xr op ([sym] yr)))  zip-cong op f xs ys
zip-cong op f {x₁} {x₂} {y₁} {y₂} (inj₂ (~? xr)  xs) (inj₂ (~? yr)  ys) = inj₂ (~? ([cong] xr op yr))  zip-cong op f xs ys

isZero : (x : Expr)  Maybe (EqClosure _≈ⁱ_ (C 0#) x)
isZero (C x) = if 0# EqBool.== x then just (inj₁ (~? [refl] (C x))  ε) else nothing
isZero _ = nothing

tracedRing : AlmostCommutativeRing c c
tracedRing = record
  { Carrier                 = Expr
  ; _≈_                     = EqClosure _≈ⁱ_
  ; _+_                     = liftBinOp [+]
  ; _*_                     = liftBinOp [*]
  ; -_                      = ⊟_
  ; 0#                      = C 0#
  ; 1#                      = C 1#
  ; 0≟_                     = isZero
  ; isAlmostCommutativeRing = record
    {  -‿cong      = Relation.Binary.Construct.Closure.ReflexiveTransitive.gmap ⊟_ (Data.Sum.map neg-cong neg-cong)
    ; -‿*-distribˡ = λ x y  return (inj₁ (~? [-distrib] x y))
    ; -‿+-comm     = λ x y  return (inj₁ (~? [-+comm] x y))
    ; isCommutativeSemiring = record
      { distribʳ = λ x y z  return (inj₁ (~? [distrib] x y z))
      ; zeroˡ = λ x  return (inj₁ (~? ([zero] x)))
      ; *-isCommutativeMonoid = record
        { identityˡ = λ x  return (inj₁ (~? [ident] [*] x))
        ; comm = λ x y  return (inj₁ (~? [comm] [*] x y))
        ; isSemigroup = record
          { assoc = λ x y z  return (inj₁ (~? [assoc] [*] x y z))
          ; isMagma = record
            { isEquivalence = Relation.Binary.Construct.Closure.Equivalence.isEquivalence _≈ⁱ_
            ; ∙-cong = zip-cong [*] (liftBinOp [*])
      ; +-isCommutativeMonoid = record
        { identityˡ = λ x  return (inj₁ (~? ([ident] [+] x)))
        ; comm = λ x y  return (inj₁ (~? ([comm] [+] x y)))
        ; isSemigroup = record
          { assoc = λ x y z  return (inj₁ (~? ([assoc] [+] x y z)))
          ; isMagma = record
            { isEquivalence = Relation.Binary.Construct.Closure.Equivalence.isEquivalence _≈ⁱ_
            ; ∙-cong = zip-cong [+] (liftBinOp [+])

open import Data.List as List using (List; _∷_; [])

record Explanation {a} (A : Set a) : Set (a  c) where
  constructor _≈⟨_⟩≈_
    lhs : A
    step : Step
    rhs : A
open Explanation

toExplanation :  {x y}  x ≈ⁱ y  Explanation Expr
toExplanation {x} {y} x≈y = x ≈⟨ why x≈y ⟩≈ y

showProof′ :  {x y}  EqClosure _≈ⁱ_ x y  List (Explanation Expr)
showProof′ ε = []
showProof′ (inj₁ x  xs) = toExplanation x  showProof′ xs
showProof′ (inj₂ y  xs) = toExplanation y  showProof′ xs

open import Data.String.Printf
open Printf standard

⟨_⟩ₛ : Step  String
 [sym] x  ⟩ₛ             = printf "sym (%s)"  x ⟩ₛ
 [cong] x [+] x₂ ⟩ₛ      = printf "(%s) + (%s)"  x ⟩ₛ  x₂ ⟩ₛ
 [cong] x [*] x₂ ⟩ₛ      = printf "(%s) * (%s)"  x ⟩ₛ  x₂ ⟩ₛ
 [-cong] x ⟩ₛ            = printf "- (%s)"  x ⟩ₛ
 [refl] x ⟩ₛ             = "eval"
 [assoc] [+] x₁ x₂ x₃ ⟩ₛ = printf "+-assoc(%s, %s, %s)"  x₁ ⟩ₑ   x₂ ⟩ₑ  x₃ ⟩ₑ
 [assoc] [*] x₁ x₂ x₃ ⟩ₛ = printf "*-assoc(%s, %s, %s)"  x₁ ⟩ₑ   x₂ ⟩ₑ  x₃ ⟩ₑ
 [ident] [+] x₁ ⟩ₛ       = printf "+-ident(%s)"  x₁ ⟩ₑ
 [ident] [*] x₁ ⟩ₛ       = printf "*-ident(%s)"  x₁ ⟩ₑ
 [comm] [+] x₁ x₂ ⟩ₛ     = printf "+-comm(%s, %s)"  x₁ ⟩ₑ  x₂ ⟩ₑ
 [comm] [*] x₁ x₂ ⟩ₛ     = printf "*-comm(%s, %s)"  x₁ ⟩ₑ  x₂ ⟩ₑ
 [zero] x ⟩ₛ             = printf "*-zero(%s)"  x ⟩ₑ
 [distrib] x x₁ x₂ ⟩ₛ    = printf "*-distrib(%s, %s, %s)"  x ⟩ₑ  x₁ ⟩ₑ   x₂ ⟩ₑ
 [-distrib] x x₁ ⟩ₛ      = printf "-‿distrib(%s, %s)"  x ⟩ₑ  x₁ ⟩ₑ
 [-+comm] x x₁ ⟩ₛ        = printf "-+-comm(%s, %s)"  x ⟩ₑ  x₁ ⟩ₑ

showProof :  {x y}  EqClosure _≈ⁱ_ x y  List String
showProof = List.foldr unparse []  List.foldr spotReverse []  List.mapMaybe interesting′  showProof′
  unparse : Explanation Expr  List String  List String
  unparse (lhs₁ ≈⟨ step₁ ⟩≈ rhs₁) [] =  lhs₁ ⟩ₑ  printf "    ={ %s }"  step₁ ⟩ₛ   rhs₁ ⟩ₑ  []
  unparse (lhs₁ ≈⟨ step₁ ⟩≈ rhs₁) (y  ys) = if r EqBool.== y then l  m  y  ys else l  m  r  "    ={ eval }"  y  ys
    l =  lhs₁ ⟩ₑ
    m = printf "    ={ %s }"  step₁ ⟩ₛ
    r =  rhs₁ ⟩ₑ

  spotReverse : Explanation Expr  List (Explanation Expr)  List (Explanation Expr)
  spotReverse x [] = x  []
  spotReverse x (y  xs) = if lhs x EqBool.== rhs y then xs else x  y  xs

  interesting′ : Explanation Expr  Maybe (Explanation Expr)
  interesting′ (lhs ≈⟨ stp ⟩≈ rhs) with interesting stp
  interesting′ (lhs ≈⟨ stp ⟩≈ rhs) | just x = just (lhs ≈⟨ x ⟩≈ rhs)
  interesting′ (lhs ≈⟨ stp ⟩≈ rhs) | nothing = nothing

open import Agda.Builtin.FromString using (IsString; fromString) public
import Data.String.Literals
open import Data.Unit using ()
open import Level using (Lift)

  stringString : IsString String
  stringString = Data.String.Literals.isString

  lift-inst :  { a} { A : Set a }   x : A   Lift  A
  lift-inst  x = x  = Level.lift x

  exprString : IsString Expr
  exprString = record
    { Constraint = λ _  Lift _  ; fromString = λ s  O (V s) }