{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}

open import Polynomial.Parameters
open import Algebra

module Polynomial.NormalForm.Operations
  (coeffs : RawCoeff a)

open import Polynomial.Exponentiation (RawCoeff.coeffs coeffs)

open import Data.Nat as           using (; suc; zero; compare)
open import Data.Nat.Properties    using (z≤′n)
open import Data.List              using (_∷_; [])
open import Data.Fin               using (Fin)
open import Data.Product           using (_,_; map₁)
open import Induction.WellFounded  using (Acc; acc)
open import Induction.Nat          using (<′-wellFounded)

open import Polynomial.NormalForm.InjectionIndex
open import Polynomial.NormalForm.Definition coeffs
open import Polynomial.NormalForm.Construction coeffs

open RawCoeff coeffs

-- Addition
-- The reason the following code is so verbose is termination
-- checking. For instance, in the third case for ⊞-coeffs, we call a
-- helper function. Instead, you could conceivably use a with-block
-- (on ℕ.compare p q):
-- ⊞-coeffs ((x , p) ∷ xs) ((y , q) ∷ ys) with (ℕ.compare p q)
-- ... | ℕ.less    p k = (x , p) ∷ ⊞-coeffs xs ((y , k) ∷ ys)
-- ... | ℕ.equal   p   = (fst~ x ⊞ fst~ y , p) ∷↓ ⊞-coeffs xs ys
-- ... | ℕ.greater q k = (y , q) ∷ ⊞-coeffs ((x , k) ∷ xs) ys
-- However, because the first and third recursive calls each rewrap
-- a list that was already pattern-matched on, the recursive call
-- does not strictly decrease the size of its argument.
-- Interestingly, if --without-K is turned off, we don't need the
-- helper function ⊞-coeffs; we could pattern match on _⊞_ directly.
-- _⊞_ {zero} (lift x) (lift y) = lift (x + y)
-- _⊞_ {suc n} [] ys = ys
-- _⊞_ {suc n} (x ∷ xs) [] = x ∷ xs
-- _⊞_ {suc n} ((x , p) ∷ xs) ((y , q) ∷ ys) =
--   ⊞-zip (ℕ.compare p q) x xs y ys
  infixl 6 _⊞_
  _⊞_ :  {n}  Poly n  Poly n  Poly n
  (xs Π i≤n)  (ys Π j≤n) = ⊞-match (inj-compare i≤n j≤n) xs ys

  ⊞-match :  {i j n}
         {i≤n : i ≤′ n}
         {j≤n : j ≤′ n}
         InjectionOrdering i≤n j≤n
         FlatPoly i
         FlatPoly j
         Poly n
  ⊞-match (inj-eq i&j≤n)     (Κ x)  (Κ y)  = Κ (x + y)         Π  i&j≤n
  ⊞-match (inj-eq i&j≤n)     (Σ (x Δ i & xs)) (Σ (y Δ j & ys)) = ⊞-zip (compare i j) x xs y ys Π↓ i&j≤n
  ⊞-match (inj-lt i≤j-1 j≤n)  xs    (Σ ys) = ⊞-inj i≤j-1 xs ys Π↓ j≤n
  ⊞-match (inj-gt i≤n j≤i-1) (Σ xs)  ys    = ⊞-inj j≤i-1 ys xs Π↓ i≤n

  ⊞-inj :  {i k}
         (i ≤′ k)
         FlatPoly i
         Coeff k +
         Coeff k *
  ⊞-inj i≤k xs (y Π j≤k ≠0 Δ zero & ys) = ⊞-match (inj-compare j≤k i≤k) y xs Δ zero ∷↓ ys
  ⊞-inj i≤k xs (y Δ suc j & ys) = xs Π i≤k Δ zero ∷↓  y Δ j & ys

  ⊞-coeffs :  {n}  Coeff n *  Coeff n *  Coeff n *
  ⊞-coeffs ( x Δ i & xs) ys = ⊞-zip-r x i xs ys
  ⊞-coeffs [] ys = ys

  ⊞-zip :  {p q n}
         ℕ.Ordering p q
         NonZero n
         Coeff n *
         NonZero n
         Coeff n *
         Coeff n *
  ⊞-zip (ℕ.less    i k) x xs y ys = ( x Δ i & ⊞-zip-r y k ys xs)
  ⊞-zip (ℕ.greater j k) x xs y ys = ( y Δ j & ⊞-zip-r x k xs ys)
  ⊞-zip (ℕ.equal   i  ) x xs y ys = (x .poly  y .poly) Δ i ∷↓ ⊞-coeffs xs ys

  ⊞-zip-r :  {n}  NonZero n    Coeff n *  Coeff n *  Coeff n *
  ⊞-zip-r x i xs [] =  x Δ i & xs
  ⊞-zip-r x i xs ( y Δ j & ys) = ⊞-zip (compare i j) x xs y ys
{-# INLINE ⊞-zip #-}

-- Negation

-- recurse on acc directly
-- https://github.com/agda/agda/issues/3190#issuecomment-416900716

⊟-step :  {n}  Acc _<′_ n  Poly n  Poly n
⊟-step (acc wf) (Κ x  Π i≤n) = Κ (- x) Π i≤n
⊟-step (acc wf) (Σ xs Π i≤n) = poly-map (⊟-step (wf _ i≤n)) xs Π↓ i≤n

⊟_ :  {n}  Poly n  Poly n
⊟_ = ⊟-step (<′-wellFounded _)
{-# INLINE ⊟_ #-}

-- Multiplication
  ⊠-step′ :  {n}  Acc _<′_ n  Poly n  Poly n  Poly n
  ⊠-step′ a (x Π i≤n) = ⊠-step a x i≤n

  ⊠-step :  {i n}  Acc _<′_ n  FlatPoly i  i ≤′ n  Poly n  Poly n
  ⊠-step a (Κ x) _ = ⊠-Κ a x
  ⊠-step a (Σ xs)  = ⊠-Σ a xs

  ⊠-Κ :  {n}  Acc _<′_ n  Carrier  Poly n  Poly n
  ⊠-Κ (acc _ ) x (Κ y  Π i≤n) = Κ (x * y) Π i≤n
  ⊠-Κ (acc wf) x (Σ xs Π i≤n) = ⊠-Κ-inj (wf _ i≤n) x xs Π↓ i≤n

  ⊠-Σ :  {i n}  Acc _<′_ n  Coeff i +  i <′ n  Poly n  Poly n
  ⊠-Σ (acc wf) xs i≤n (Σ ys Π j≤n) = ⊠-match  (acc wf) (inj-compare i≤n j≤n) xs ys
  ⊠-Σ (acc wf) xs i≤n (Κ y Π _) = ⊠-Κ-inj (wf _ i≤n) y xs Π↓ i≤n

  ⊠-Κ-inj :  {i}   Acc _<′_ i  Carrier  Coeff i +  Coeff i *
  ⊠-Κ-inj a x xs = poly-map (⊠-Κ a x) (xs)

  ⊠-Σ-inj :  {i k}
           Acc _<′_ k
           i <′ k
           Coeff i +
           Poly k
           Poly k
  ⊠-Σ-inj (acc wf) i≤k x (Σ y Π j≤k) = ⊠-match (acc wf) (inj-compare i≤k j≤k) x y
  ⊠-Σ-inj (acc wf) i≤k x (Κ y Π j≤k) = ⊠-Κ-inj (wf _ i≤k) y x Π↓ i≤k

  ⊠-match :  {i j n}
           Acc _<′_ n
           {i≤n : i <′ n}
           {j≤n : j <′ n}
           InjectionOrdering i≤n j≤n
           Coeff i +
           Coeff j +
           Poly n
  ⊠-match (acc wf) (inj-eq i&j≤n)     xs ys = ⊠-coeffs (wf _ i&j≤n) xs ys               Π↓ i&j≤n
  ⊠-match (acc wf) (inj-lt i≤j-1 j≤n) xs ys = poly-map (⊠-Σ-inj (wf _ j≤n) i≤j-1 xs) (ys) Π↓ j≤n
  ⊠-match (acc wf) (inj-gt i≤n j≤i-1) xs ys = poly-map (⊠-Σ-inj (wf _ i≤n) j≤i-1 ys) (xs) Π↓ i≤n

  ⊠-coeffs :  {n}  Acc _<′_ n  Coeff n +  Coeff n +  Coeff n *
  ⊠-coeffs a xs (y ≠0 Δ j & []) = poly-map (⊠-step′ a y) xs ⍓* j
  ⊠-coeffs a xs (y ≠0 Δ j &  ys) = para (⊠-cons a y ys) xs ⍓* j

  ⊠-cons :  {n}
           Acc _<′_ n
           Poly n
           Coeff n +
           Fold n
  -- ⊠-cons a y [] (x Π j≤n , xs) = ⊠-step a x j≤n y , xs
  ⊠-cons a y ys (x Π j≤n , xs) =
    ⊠-step a x j≤n y , ⊞-coeffs (poly-map (⊠-step a x j≤n) ys) xs
{-# INLINE ⊠-Κ #-}
{-# INLINE ⊠-coeffs #-}
{-# INLINE ⊠-cons #-}

infixl 7 _⊠_
_⊠_ :  {n}  Poly n  Poly n  Poly n
_⊠_ = ⊠-step′ (<′-wellFounded _)
{-# INLINE _⊠_ #-}

-- Constants and Variables

-- The constant polynomial
κ :  {n}  Carrier  Poly n
κ x = Κ x Π z≤′n
{-# INLINE κ #-}

-- A variable
ι :  {n}  Fin n  Poly n
ι i = (κ 1# Δ 1 ∷↓ []) Π↓ Fin⇒≤ i
{-# INLINE ι #-}

-- Exponentiation
-- We try very hard to never do things like multiply by 1
-- unnecessarily. That's what all the weirdness here is for.
⊡-mult :  {n}    Poly n  Poly n
⊡-mult zero xs = xs
⊡-mult (suc n) xs = ⊡-mult n xs  xs

_⊡_+1 :  {n}  Poly n    Poly n
(Κ x  Π i≤n)  i +1  = Κ (x ^ i +1) Π i≤n
(Σ (x Δ j & []) Π i≤n)  i +1  = x .poly  i +1 Δ (j ℕ.+ i ℕ.* j) ∷↓ [] Π↓ i≤n
xs@(Σ (_ &  _) Π i≤n)  i +1  = ⊡-mult i xs

infixr 8 _⊡_
_⊡_ :  {n}  Poly n    Poly n
_  zero = κ 1#
xs  suc i = xs  i +1
{-# INLINE _⊡_ #-}