{-# OPTIONS --cubical --safe #-} module Data.List.Membership where open import Data.List open import Data.Fin open import Data.Fin.Properties open import Prelude open import Relation.Nullary open import Path.Reasoning open import Data.List.Relation.Unary as Relation using (module Exists; module Congruence; ◇; ◇!) import Data.Nat as ℕ import Data.Nat.Properties as ℕ open import Data.Maybe.Properties using (just-inj) module _ {a} {A : Type a} {x : A} where open Exists (_≡ x) using (push; pull; push!; pull!; here!; _◇++_; _++◇_) public infixr 5 _∈_ _∈!_ _∉_ _∈_ : A → List A → Type _ x ∈ xs = ◇ (_≡ x) xs delete : (xs : List A) → Fin (length xs) → List A delete (x ∷ xs) f0 = xs delete (x ∷ xs) (fs i) = x ∷ delete xs i ∈-remove : ∀ {x : A} {xs} → (x∈xs : x ∈ xs) → List A ∈-remove {xs = xs} = delete xs ∘ fst _∉_ : {A : Type a} → A → List A → Type a x ∉ xs = ¬ (x ∈ xs) _∈!_ : A → List A → Type _ x ∈! xs = ◇! (_≡ x) xs cong-∈ : ∀ (f : A → B) {x : A} xs → x ∈ xs → f x ∈ map f xs cong-∈ f {x} = Congruence.cong-◇ (_≡ x) (_≡ (f x)) (cong f) fin∈tabulate : ∀ {n} (f : Fin n → A) (i : Fin n) → f i ∈ tabulate n f fin∈tabulate {n = suc _} f f0 = f0 , refl fin∈tabulate {n = suc _} f (fs i) = push (fin∈tabulate (f ∘ fs) i) open import Function.Injective at : ∀ {xs : List A} (n : Fin (length xs)) → (xs ! n) ∈ xs at n = n , refl module WithDecEq {a} {A : Type a} (_≟_ : Discrete A) where isSet⟨A⟩ : isSet A isSet⟨A⟩ = Discrete→isSet _≟_ _∈?_ : ∀ (x : A) xs → Dec (x ∈ xs) _∈?_ x xs = Exists.◇? (_≡ x) (_≟ x) xs infixl 6 _\\_ _\\_ : List A → A → List A xs \\ x = foldr f [] xs where f : A → List A → List A f y xs with x ≟ y ... | yes p = xs ... | no p = y ∷ xs uniques : List A → List A uniques = foldr f [] where f : A → List A → List A f x xs = x ∷ (xs \\ x) x∉xs\\x : ∀ x xs → x ∉ xs \\ x x∉xs\\x x (y ∷ xs) (n , x∈xs) with x ≟ y x∉xs\\x x (y ∷ xs) (n , x∈xs) | yes p = x∉xs\\x x xs (n , x∈xs) x∉xs\\x x (y ∷ xs) (f0 , y≡x) | no ¬p = ¬p (sym y≡x) x∉xs\\x x (y ∷ xs) (fs n , x∈xs) | no ¬p = x∉xs\\x x xs (n , x∈xs) x∈!x∷xs\\x : ∀ x xs → x ∈! x ∷ xs \\ x x∈!x∷xs\\x x xs = here! (refl , isSet⟨A⟩ _ _ refl) (x∉xs\\x x xs) x∉xs⇒x∉xs\\y : ∀ (x : A) y xs → x ∉ xs → x ∉ xs \\ y x∉xs⇒x∉xs\\y x y (z ∷ xs) x∉xs x∈xs\\y with y ≟ z x∉xs⇒x∉xs\\y x y (z ∷ xs) x∉xs x∈xs\\y | yes p = x∉xs⇒x∉xs\\y x y xs (x∉xs ∘ push) x∈xs\\y x∉xs⇒x∉xs\\y x y (z ∷ xs) x∉xs (f0 , x∈xs\\y) | no ¬p = x∉xs (f0 , x∈xs\\y) x∉xs⇒x∉xs\\y x y (z ∷ xs) x∉xs (fs n , x∈xs\\y) | no ¬p = x∉xs⇒x∉xs\\y x y xs (x∉xs ∘ push) (n , x∈xs\\y) x∈!xs⇒x∈!xs\\y : ∀ (x : A) y xs → y ≢ x → x ∈! xs → x ∈! xs \\ y x∈!xs⇒x∈!xs\\y x y (z ∷ xs) y≢x x∈!xs with y ≟ z x∈!xs⇒x∈!xs\\y x y (z ∷ xs) y≢x x∈!xs | yes p = x∈!xs⇒x∈!xs\\y x y xs y≢x (pull! (y≢x ∘ p ;_) x∈!xs) x∈!xs⇒x∈!xs\\y x y (z ∷ xs) y≢x ((f0 , x∈xs) , uniq) | no ¬p = here! (x∈xs , isSet⟨A⟩ _ _ _) (x∉xs⇒x∉xs\\y x y xs (ℕ.znots ∘ cong FinToℕ ∘ cong fst ∘ uniq ∘ push)) x∈!xs⇒x∈!xs\\y x y (z ∷ xs) y≢x ((fs n , x∈xs) , uniq) | no ¬p = push! z≢x (x∈!xs⇒x∈!xs\\y x y xs y≢x (pull! z≢x ((fs n , x∈xs) , uniq))) where z≢x = ℕ.snotz ∘ cong FinToℕ ∘ cong fst ∘ uniq ∘ (f0 ,_) ∈⇒∈! : (x : A) (xs : List A) → x ∈ xs → x ∈! uniques xs ∈⇒∈! x (y ∷ xs) (f0 , x∈xs) = subst (_∈! (y ∷ uniques xs \\ y)) x∈xs (x∈!x∷xs\\x y (uniques xs)) ∈⇒∈! x (y ∷ xs) (fs n , x∈xs) with y ≟ x ... | yes p = subst (_∈! (y ∷ uniques xs \\ y)) p (x∈!x∷xs\\x y (uniques xs)) ... | no ¬p = push! ¬p (x∈!xs⇒x∈!xs\\y x y (uniques xs) ¬p (∈⇒∈! x xs (n , x∈xs))) infixr 5 _∈²_ _∈²_ : A → List (List A) → Type _ x ∈² xs = ◇ (x ∈_) xs ∈²→∈ : ∀ {x : A} xs → x ∈² xs → x ∈ concat xs ∈²→∈ = Relation.◇-concat (_≡ _)